The Luxe - Anna Godbersen Outlander - Diana Gabaldon Flowers in the Attic - V.C. Andrews Forever Mine - Elizabeth Reyes A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin

Since I moved into my new house, I've been neglecting my Wimpy Challenge duties. So here goes nothing:


July: Whittle TBR Mounds

The Luxe: Because I had it on my Kindle for months and finally decided to knock it out. It was so shallow and easy to figure out. But for some morbid reason, I want to finish the series. It also helps I keep finding the books on clearance at Half-Price Books.


August: Buddy Read-along

Um.....well, I failed here. I don't really do buddy-reads. I have buddies. I just don't tend to read what others are reading. Most people are reading current books, and I'm still working my way through older books. It's like I'm trying to make up for lost time, when I was newly married and worked 2 jobs and books were like "haha! Bills to pay, bitch!"


But I'm counting Outlander since the show aired which gave me the kick to read to book. Along with so many other women. So that counts right? Well, I'm making it count.



September: What He/She Said

Flowers In The Attic: This is my mom's all-time favorite book, so I finally pulled it up on my Kindle. And whoa. Not only was I surprised by mom's taste is books (incest, mom? RLY?) I was enthralled with the entire plot. Yes, it's was sick and CPS really should have existed strictly for this reason. But I just can't help it. I already bought the next in the series, Petals on the Wind.


Special Runners-up

Forever Mine for July. It was horrible and I hated it, but it was technically in my TBR cache. Yuck. I wanted to wash my eyes with bleach.


Game of Thrones for September since my husband harped on my until I finally read the damn brick. It was good, don't get me wrong. But it was huge and exhausting.