I would like to take a moment here to make a PSA to Gerry Conroe, the editor of the Granite Falls Ledger, and anyone else who thinks deer hunting is "pointless": deer hunting is good for the environment because deer reproduce rapidly and humans, being the stupid creatures that we are, have killed off most of their natural predators. This means they can keep spawning and spawning without any population control, and that, my friends, is devastating to agriculture. Deer can leap most 10 foot fences, and they are notoriously aggressive during mating season. Without people hunting deer to keep them in check, crops would be wiped out, top soil would erode and other animals would starve. Now, I'm not saying everyone is entitled to just go shoot as many deer as they please. No. You are only to hunt males, and only so many, and only during deer season. And for the love of God, eat what you hunt. Don't be that guy. I despise big game hunters, trophy hunters that shoot beautiful animals just for the horns, or the skin or a cool photo. With those people, it's not sport. Sport would be winning the hunt bare handed against the lion, not from 100 yards away with a rifle and a scope.
But anyway, hunting is sort of necessary. A necessary evil, a lot of people say. Until wolves and cougars are more numerous in the wild again, animals like deer, rabbit and ducks have to be kept under control. Those are just facts.
Now back to your regularly scheduled reading.