So...apparently we're the Taliban now? Huh. I must have lost my burka.


We're not bullying anyone. Bullying is shoving a hapless nerd into a locker because you think he's a loser. (Not cool at all.) I was bullied badly as a child and a teen. Even an adult. Having someone hate your book isn't bullying. Having bloggers shun your terrible author behavior isn't bullying.


I am so fucking sick of hearing that damn word being misused more than "literally".


I literally can't even.


Get a dictionary. Learn the real meaning of these words. Just because someone doesn't like your opinion doesn't make them a bully. We're breeding a nation of sissies who want to cry "bully" at the slightest offense to their senses. Learn what real bullying is like before you even attempt to claim you're a victim. I guarantee it's nothing like what I suffered through. And you don't see me running around crying about it. 


And certainly never call the entire book blogger community the Taliban, you fucking idiot.


End. Rant.