Nevernight - Jay Kristoff

So many people in Bookstagram love this series. Me, not so much. I found it hard to slog thru the first 25 pages. The reading was tedious, so I checked out the audiobook thru the Libby app. Even at 1.25x the speed, it was still a slow mountain to climb. At 5 hours we were only at 103 pages. The pages are littered with asterisks and crosses denoting references at the bottom of the text, and the audiobook read them all...


Plus, Mia, our main character was lacking in anything that really made me feel for her. She causes the death of 2 people in a caravan with her own stupidity and almost causes a third, but the third managed to live so swears a blood oath to Mia for...her survival? It made no sense to me at all. She pretty much got your friends killed, you owe her nothing.


The language, while not bothering me, should be noted is not appropriate for teens, in my opinion. One character accuses another of being a child of rape and says his father probably "didn't wipe his mother's stink off his cock". That just doesn't seem okay for a book a 13-year-old might pick up. Call me a prude. Plus Mia loves the word "c*nt". And sells her virginity to a boy prostitute and tells him to "fuck" her. Way strong for what I was expecting.


And yet, boring as hell. Nothing happened. 10 hours of listening and only one mildly interesting event took place. Sand kraken. Which, let's be honest. They're just the things from Tremors.



So, no. I've got much better things to do. Sorry, Mr. Kristoff.